peace =P

Thursday, May 12, 2011


nervous means "1 easily upset, timid, highly strung. 2 anxious. 3 affecting the nerves"-oxford

easily upset??ohw, ok...not that....

erm, suppose to be today, my result from my practical industry will be confirm...
nervous?? agak la...
tp result xkuar2 dr en.saifudeen pun xdapat lagi...
insya-Allah, klu dapat...i will start by next monday...
and i pray for my senai, kota bharu, and guar cempedak friend to start next monday gak...ameen..
semoga dipermudahkan urusan kalian dan hamba jugak...

nervous...nervous...(poyo seh...)

erm, sebut pasal nervous...
mari kite reflect ape citer semalam...ceciter...ceciter...

mak:"ko ikut k.dah p penang??"
aq:"ntah la...tgk la...ade ape balik penang??"
mak:"adik ipar k.dah nk tunang...sape name tu...ayang??ehh...."
aq: "nana la..."
mak: "haa...nana...berape umur die ye??"
aq: "tu..baye adik zul tu...21...(smbil tunjuk ke arah adik ku y sedang berangan...kahkah)
mak:"kau bile nak tunang...da 23 kan??(smbil pandang aq dgn penuh serius)..."
aq: "hah??"(dgn agak terkesima...) "tnye la ct"

adakah itu green light??kah kah....
klu green light..hari nie gak aq p lamar anak orang...haha...
tp serius...mesti kne settle kakak2 atas dulu...
jd yang terakhir mesti best...
banyak backup..banyak sponsor...terbaik~~termeriah~~

but i'm telling u something...
in this age (23 an above la yer)...when people ask us about marriage...
u will feel something different in the inside...your heart beat fast then normal...
and maybe u can find a butterfly in ur stomach....
and at that time...u will feel nervous and in the same times, i ready??
and do i have the exact person that can take care of me for the rest of my life??

marriage is not that easy...believe me...
sometimes i could be a scary part in life...if ur choices wrong...

ape2 pun...pilih la seseorang yang boleh kite melangkah masuk ke syurga ilahi dengan nya...
yang membantu kite dlm urusan dakwah kite...
yang mencintai kite kerna die mencintai Allah...
supaya marah die, sayang die, cinta die, cemburu die...semua kerna Allah swt...

jauhnye merayau...dr citer praktikal p crite kawin...
dah..dah....nk smbung buat keje umah...cewah~~(acah je tu)..haha

p/s: pray for the best result today...erm, and lupe nak thankz pada yang sudi hantar balik seremban hari tu...thankz a lot...hehe XD

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