peace =P

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


for the first time, a women names' appear to be my entry title today...cewah~~

wondering...who is actually this girl??
what does she do to me??
will she touch my heart??
or maybe, she can change me to be a better person...
well, i think she can...

and she can do it to most people...


isabella is actually a title of novel that i am reading now...
the real story, ok.....(beli mase pesta buku hari tu)
what can i say about this book (i just read the first 70 pages now) is...
theres only 272 pages...but i'm has a lot of input to all of us...
different than other novel i use to read..(well, for not really read books)
but this novel is absolutely great and different...
why dont try and find it if u hav time to do so...
can also borrow from me...if u know me...hehe

alrite...after i finish this, maybe i can give the overall feedback and maybe some sinopsis about this book....
ape2 pun, xmnyesal p pesta buku hari tu dan beli buku nie...

p/s: nk cari keje la...bosan gell duk umah 4 bulan...bley hypertense aq..haha

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