peace =P

Saturday, April 9, 2011


sleep mean:
"natural recurring condition of suspended consciousness, with the eyes closed and the muscles relaxed"-oxfrod dictionary

last night: cant sleep..because...dont know...too many things to settle...too change....
i take a sleep after subuh...then, i forget that i should go for meeting on that morning...
i should called that: BAD ATTITUDE...oh my~~

last day: afraid to msg someone...will she forgive me??~~
i think i should msg her tomorrow, long as i dont msg her, my life will full of miserable...for sure...seram nye.....

tonite: i cant sleep...tired after koko...but my mind can't stop thinking...and thinking...
so much tired...but...;(

have a chat with my best friend...not solve any of my problem...always provoke me with some gossip and rumors...hate it...
have a chat with my sis...then, wireless probz...
so, then i have a chat with my own mind...

and guess what...thatz makes me can't close my eyes...argghhh!!~~
i need to settle my assignment....
but i need to rest first...but why??
can i cry??"u r stronger than u think"...

i make a card utk my best die cakap die best je, x bestest pun... much disappointed...
yes, i know...i'm not the perfect person to have u as bestest friend...
so, i change that card a bit...and i will send it for your birthday...
biar die terase...haha =P

p/s: ketenangan tu Allah yang bagi and semoga Allah permudahkan urusan sihir yang semakin menimbun...+ pray for your happiness and the best in long as u happy, then i will be the same...happy sleep...*.*

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