peace =P

Saturday, April 16, 2011


menang a.k.a win(english) means:
"secure as a result of a fight, contest, bet, effort, etc. 2 be the victor; be victorious in. —n. victory in a game etc" - oxford

first...sgt letih karnival renang hari nie..but...
i am absolutely happy...sebab ape??
finally, i dont have to think anything more about this carnival...mess...
ok...forget about the bad things that happen...=P

ehm, why win??
yeah...i am the winner...haha
doing my synchronize jumping and guess what??
i get the first prize worth: RM50...dont be jelous...
i beat up all the 13 others group...
actually, i use to dream to be in that synchronize jumping (always watch in TV mase kecik2)...
but now, i won the game...

should/need go to WAMY this evening...
got important thing...
alamak!!!tazkirah x cari lagi...
alrite lah...
just want to talk about my victory...haha what the...
may be we can share something by tomorrow...

let me list up my job:
1. Bizness plan
2. Marketing plan
3. SWOT analysis and MAtrix function
4. IASS...what???

IASS???!!!!ohhh....letz fight for the best!!!!

p/s: really hope somebody would slap me because of my bad attitude i had...need to change that...for sure....

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