peace =P

Sunday, April 17, 2011

edition-entry for my best friend

update bukan bererti "tarikh naik"...atau pun "naik jumpa"..haha
ape2 la...yang penting, semua orang akan paham jer word update tu...
nak dictionary gak ke??~~~xpe la kot...
letz use my distionary..
update: maksudnye terkini...bahasa lain...ermm~~ok cukup...haha

erm, i thinkz lately...
aq suke update blog...oh my~~
somebody mule kate...
"hai team, da xde keje nak buat??update setiap hari nmpak...bagi keje kat awak boleh??"
haha...(tu hati aq cakap kat otak aq)...ops~~

ape2 pun, aq x update pun pasal my best friend birthday lagi...
he's not the first person yang wish...ade org lain wish dulu...(kire seri la)
but anyway, thankz for calling 4 times that day...
cume sorry, sebab hari tu mmg busy sgt...
coz work come first...haha, and u should be else number...kidding~~=P

well, my card be appreciated already...
"haha nice...
as expected from my dear friend..hehe
tq so much..."-my best friend

even though kate nice, but actually theres some complaining jugak....
best friend:" sampai hati gariskan bestest tu..." reflash entry: sleep
aq: "da kate bukan, i kne edit la"
best friend: "betul la tu..cume patut kne letak "the" sebelum best tu"
aq: "ooo...konon the best la tu"-i got what my best freind want to say...
anyway...die mmg best...haha

ape y best tentng my best friend:
1. we dont know each other pun, even already be friend for 5 years...tau basic jer...
2. xpernah berbual bile jumpe dan banyak bercerita bile x berjumpe...
3. pendengar masalah setia sejak 5 tahun lepas... tp never come out with solution...
4. xpernah tinggi suara, and klu marah lebih kepada diam...
5. xpernah serius tp klu serius, jd agak seram...
6. use to call me putri.."putri bz ke??"ops~~=)
7. suke sakitkan ke nie??ntah la...
8. last but not least...die terlalu ramai aweks~~"awek mane satu nie??byk sgt aa"-what ever!!

cukup la...byk jer "biarlah rahsia"...
ape2 pun, die antra y paling memahami...sejak dulu, smpai skang...
banyak yang aq pelajari dari die...
tentang hidup, kasih sayang, ilmu, bahasa, nasihat etc...(al maklum la..dulu top 5 dlm kelas)
sebab tu kadang2 panggil die sensei@cikgu...

tadi dapat tau, yang die nak sambung belajar...
and itu pun kat UPM...
"tp team, 50-50 jer"..."hantr je borang, dpt ke x,xtau lagi"
xkesah la...i pray for the best...walau ape pun keputusan nye..
klu jadi,yang pasti...die akan jadi my junior...(boleh buli nie)
haha...can't wait...
walaupun aq jadi org yang lmbat diberitahu...
mungkin xnk aq kecewe mcm mase 1st sem which die sepatutnya dftar, tp xdatang...
ape2 la...

last word before i end: to my best friend>>>
i want the best ending for more fight, no more misunderstood...
letz be friend as long as we can go for it...
please have the best life and good there...

p/s: assignment banyak xsiap lagi mesti siap ye...haha...
gambate team~~!!!

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