peace =P

Sunday, August 8, 2010


care means 1 worry, anxiety. 2 cause of this. 3 serious attention; caution. 4 a protection, looking after, charge...

ehm, sometimes if we care somebody too much, people might curious..
there must be "udang di sebalik mee"...

and if we dont care that somebody, people might say,
"kate kawan, tp kawan yang satu nie wat salah, xegur pun"...

after thinking that all this might happen, rs mcm xnk layan jer ape org nk ckp...
yang penting niat...

sebab klu terlalu pikir pasal ckap org, nescaye kite xkan mampu memuaskan hati mereka...

tp xper..sebab tu hidup kat dunia nie menarik...

p/s: ke prog. isk adik2...mood:excited...


Anonymous said...

eh skrg kan saya tgk catatan anda menarik !

*bkn manusia klu tak puas!

shah mohamad said...

thankz...appreciate that...

manusia nie mcm2 hal kan???hehe

Anonymous said...

mmg sllu mcm2 kan....

salam cik team!

selamat menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak..insya Allah

ikhlas dari rkn mayamu:-
bloger uruchimaru@kf

shah mohamad said...


arigato ghozaimas...
selamat menyambut ramadhan yang dirindui jugak...insya-Allah...=)


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