peace =P

Saturday, July 23, 2011


hurt means (past and past part. hurt) 1 (also absol.) cause pain or injury to. 2 cause mental pain or distress to. 3 suffer pain (my arm hurts). —n. 1 injury. 2 harm, wrong.

don't you know it actually can makes people cry badly??
so, don't hurt anyone...please!!!

my opinion, if u mad or angry with someone, u need to say clearly..whatz wrong and so on...
or else, misunderstand will take place...
silent killing,'s true~~

well, what the world i'm be talking about this issue??
it's just something i thought, some of these busy day...

i need to revise about something...
don't know la...something happen, and i'm surely don't know what...
but, things change...i just can predict the reason, but yeah....not power enough to make it sure...

a bit tired today..but hey!! its friday...
meaning that, tomorrow is holiday....
rest up my heart that hurt...yeah~~nobody care...

p/s: feeling like...i don't want today end like this bad...can postpone time a bit eehh??
letz stay up tonight and thinking what should things be....

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