peace =P

Monday, April 11, 2011


active means:
"marked by action; energetic; diligent (an active life)"-oxford dictionary
"Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; -- opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind."

seems like my sister semakin active mengaktifkan kelas bahasa jepun online die...
the latest is "donna supo-tsu?" which means "sukan apa?"
tergeliat lidah i nak mnyebut but great sharing it
credit to u la : hayatinogoogle

mention about tergeliat,
my english not so good
trying hard to speak well, but haiyakk!!...really can't...
need some private class...without payment...anyone willing??hehe-kidding =P

some assignment already done, and some not even start yet...
oh my Allah....permudahkan urusan hambamu ini...ameen..

one question:
is that too much if we not allowed our best friend to have another best friend??
yeah....its too i don't have that experience...haha

so, i think i make a mistake last day...i suppose to plan what i'm going to say before i started to open up my mouth....terlajak perahu bley di undur, terlajak kata....speechless jadinye...haha
hope no matter what the decision that my best friend take just now, don't have anything to do with my statement last day...hope so...or i will feel guilty forever...

remember about some thought that i read from a magazine:
"tak mungkin hati seseorang itu bersih jika kata2 nya tidak"
-lebih kurang mcm tu la nasihat buku tu...
takut kan??word from your mouth actually represent your heart...
semoga hati2 kita dilindungi dari sebarang noda...insya-Allah...
try hard and istiqamah is important...
tibe2 miss akhawat2....miss bintulu jugak....miss kenangan2 best kat tanjung batu...
miss...ops~~enough...nanti ter"nangis" plak..payah2...

erm~~anyway mcm pelik...
knape 2-3 hari nie asyik sebut pasal best friend aq jer...bosan la...
is there no other topic to talk about in my best ever life??? writing anyway...

oh ya...baru paham knape...
because there some person yang not allowed me to talk about him...
nak mention name x???erm~~agak2??haha
xpe la..nti merajuk plak...

ape2 pun, besok kne plan perjalanan...supaya x kucar kacir....banyak bende nie nak settle...
cewah...mcm la busy sgt...fuh~~busy2....

p/s: yahoo...da masuk minggu 14...hampir tamat jugak sem nie....
pray for everything run Allah planning the best for me and the rest...=)

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