peace =P

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


simple word can actually makes u smile...
but it depends...

some people love to heard music of violin if they stress...
some of them love music from piano more...
but me..."music" that i like is a word from someone that care...
those "music" can makes u smile until the end of the day...

but the issue is...
can we have those "music" everyday to make we smile??
exactly answer yes...word from Allah is the best music...

somehow, for bonus...
u can have a "music" from ur own frenz...
simple word..."appreciate"...

look what i get from one of my frenz:
"thankz 4 de music u send...very nice music, i'll appreciate it.."

"p/s smoga berjaya!!! n snyum2 slalu"

"Nti aq blanja ko ais krim yek..Tq"

dan banyak lagi...
its absolutely simple...but can makes someone smile...
thankz to those who send me all the message....

so, what u waiting for...send your message to your frenz too...
believe worth it...
who know if she/he can smile after this...
no more stress in life with frenz...
thatz what frenz use for, rite??...

p/s: even thought we far, yet we r too close...doakan semuanya akan kembali normal....
time will cure most of the hurt...

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