time or....
1 indefinite continued progress of existence, events, etc., in the past, present, and future, regarded as a whole. 2 progress of this as affecting persons or things- oxford
well, i think the 2nd point is really related to myself...
why??because i think i just be a totally different person now...
totally...no doubt~~~
when u change, u can feel it...and i feel it...
i'm not like this before...i mean, i much more better la before....
i think i want to change...how bout that??
meaning that, i can live without someone who can i called best friend...
i once live in that lifestyle...and i feel like i live life better~~
should i start today??
no no no....i should start a long time ago...
so, should i start now??yoshh~~
treat all people as the same...
no best friend, no bestest friend, no soulmate...soulmate??kah kah...
(mane la aq blaja perkataan mcm tu..adakah pngaruh rakan sekerja??)
no one could get more love from me...cewah~~
except for Rasulullah saw la...
my heart more toward him, and i won't feel hurt by loving him thiiissssss much...
promise that...haha
tired, hungry, sleepy, not in the mood....
making me unconscious, and in this time (beta wave)...
u can make all the decision as mind set...
i (heart), agree to what brain have set...which...
brain said: "Heart...please don't get hurt again...or u make all the functional body not function..."
heart reply: "well brain...u need to decide something then...please don't think about stupid things again...ok brain??"
brain said: "as u wish, heart"
anyway, in hadith-6 (hadith arbain):
"...sesungguhnya dalam badan kamu terdapat seketul daging...jika baik daging itu, maka baik lah seluruh anggota...dan jika buruk daging itu, maka buruk lah seluruh anggota...ketahuilah bahawa daging itu adalah hati"....
so, the most important part in u, is ur heart...and for sure...
your heart needs al-quran n hadith+sunnah Rasulullah saw more than others things...
so, from now on...
i try to promise myself...
i will take care of my heart, my iman and my amal....
its about time to change~~~but, i really hate myself now....
p/s: ...........bile emosi mula melawan logik...