peace =P

Friday, July 16, 2010


well, new sem already start....
what a tired week...

cari2 kelas xjumpe...da mcm budak junior...
plus banyak appointment batal...sebab???ntah la diorang...

in class,
blog yang ditinggalkan (kampus internet slow..=(...)
teringat durian kat kampung,
buah berangan yang menjadi kegilaan aq waktu stress,
best friend yang da lame xdgr khabar...
and ade la mcm2 lagi...

mane xstress p kelas...haha...

ape2 pun....subject kali nie agak membunuh a.k.a killer...
polisi, project, managemnt acct, statistik, arabic and kemahiran berfikir...
kemahiran berfikir pun ade...xtau ke aq da abis pikir da nie..hehe
i pray for the best la...tawakkal...tawakkal....

killer mcm mane pun...priority tetap priority...
then i'm looking for the spirit this semester...
hope not loose control...pray for that...

p/s: aq rase ade something yang xsettle dlm diri aq...nie yang malas nie....

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