peace =P

Friday, June 18, 2010


is my deen, my way of life...and always the best deen ever...join us....u wont regret dunia wal akhirat...

islam is the way of life...

hay, all musleems..why dont u try google image and type islam...
what will came out??

i dont know what u might see, but when i do type islam with google image search engine,
what i know is...
i hates all the cartoon there, that insult islam...

what a thinking...not professional and bad example of thinking of emotion

why they need to do that??
dont they have respect others??
well, they show their attitute from what they had learn...

but my anger wont go anywhere...
we as musleem must do something..dont u think so??
it is not hard...

ever heard about
"ghazwatul fikr"(serangan pemikiran)??
well, jews, zionist not attack musleem in malaysia using bullet or bomb,
what they need to do is....
just attack our mind..our thinking...
bring us far from islam..makes us busy about small2 things such as...
which mazhab is better, and masjid xcukup banyak di sini and sana...(walhal xde sape mengimarahkanya)

zionist put something in our mind...can u see that??

”Muslims should not be approached as people often do, by arms, but by words, not by force, but by reason, not by hatred, but by love.”- Petrus Venerabilis,
pemimpin tentera salib

“Kita tak akan dapat kalahkan orang Islam
selagi mereka rapat dengan kitab ini(al- Quran) -King Louis VII, pemimpin tentera salib.

how they attack:
1. food
(did u know that jews dont eat or drink what been produced by them such as McD, Coca-cola etc but we do..
agak2nyer kanpe yer??)
2. fun
(almost all human love to be fun but which way??
i thought go to karaoke such more fun than go to ceramah??it is??hope no la yer..)
3. fashion (pakai tudung pun ikut fashion..jambul terkeluar la, tutup skit jer la...yang mane hukum pun xtau)
4. film (sume pun da sgt nmpak kot..byk film2 mengenai zionist nie...such as lord of the ring, matrix etc)

and 5S,
1. sport (gila bola saat palestine n gaza sengsara...sifat sayang saudara seislam pun da xteringat...ape bukti lagi nk tunjuk)
2. sex (cukup la kes kat malaysia yang kite nmpak..buang anak, tanam anak hidup2...nauzubillah...)
3. science (kesibukan mengkaji and menghancurkan alam...ape yang xseronoknyer ye x??)
4. smoke (my ustaz kate..nie geng2 ahli kelab jin...and i agreed)
5. song (kebanayakan lagu klu dgr sume pun ade unsur2 yang jahat and xsenonoh n kite pun terikut-ikut)

dont ever makes urself slave of this evil system...dont ever...
as musleem, take care each matter where u r...
the dajjal system not the way of musleem life...
islam is our deen (way of life)...

when i flash back about my life...rase tertampar...aduhh...T_T

p/s: sharing is is the best book which Rasulullah left for us...all ur answer was there....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sda dekat masa itu !


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