peace =P

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

and the story beginz just after the stories end...

continue my journey in whatever way that human could be done...



i dont know why, but i guess i want to share some sad story with all of u in english...

i know that my english is wasnt that good, but i guess,why not i just give my best shoot..somehow, my sister today have their MUET speaking test...

ehm, still effected by "fi zilal lil quran" and its writer...i guess, what a sweet story about this as-shahid syed qutb and i wonder when is the time that i could be just like him....have own mehnah, have own beautiful principle of life..may be one day...

that u know that this tafsir fi zilal is be launch or be book just a few year after he death??yes, thats true...and this books is the best seller of the best seller of the best seller and still.....

and i guess, the story of his fikr is just begin after his own story of life end (death)...

i just wanna be jusssttt like him...he can be a good icon to muslim youth today....the way he think, the way he give his life just to make sure al-haq is be done in this world not only in mesir but in this universe...what a beautiful stories of his life i've been read this morning....

and i wanna continue my journey to search what else i could do to continue his jihad fi sabilillah...he already done his job to continue what Rasulullah (pbuh) ask for..and me??need to continue my journey....and still....



~Cinta Cukulet~ said...

selamat meneruskan perjuangan :D

shah mohamad said...

huhu..terima kasihhhh...=)

joegrimjow said...

moge2 slamat


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