peace =P

Sunday, July 31, 2011

my 1st

capture masa pesta flora...subhanallah~~

its already RAMADHAN...oh my..nervousnye!!!
somehow, we already in ramadhan again...great feeling huh!!

great feeling, come in a great month with a great amal...wah~~
pahala ganda2 kot...

bulan nie...
amalan sunat dpt pahala amalan wajib...
n amalan wajib ganda 70...power kan??kan??
byg kan la...sebelum nie dosa2 byk kot...
y sengaje...yang terrr....haha
ape up la beribu2 atau berjuta2, atau bertrillion2...haha
mungkin xdpt cover dosa2 y lepas (terlampau2 byk la kot, kan)...
tp at least...keampunan dan redha Allah la y paling penting...

nak masuk syurga, REDHA ALLAH la y diperlukan...
so...tok sah nk pikiaq2 lagi da...
jln je...byk ke x pahala, y paling penting ikhlas...
as pahala kan, buat la dgn ikhlas..insya-Allah banyak...hehe

semoga dipermudahkan urusan...
as my 1st time...keje n pose...
tak pe...praktik2...

teringat mase jadi kem komanden bulan pose tahun mcm baru sekejap masa berlalu..
tanda x lama lagi dunia ini sebelum pengakhiranye...
semoga, aq bley me"remind"kan diri sendiri...
supaya bukan neraka y syurga lah y menjadi idaman...

untuk mereka2 y minat orkid putih...special nie..hehe

alritezz yo, chow!!

p/s: my best frenz ask me if, we both should practik converse in arabic in our daily life...well, klu dpt tmbah pahale free, why not...hehe

Saturday, July 23, 2011


hurt means (past and past part. hurt) 1 (also absol.) cause pain or injury to. 2 cause mental pain or distress to. 3 suffer pain (my arm hurts). —n. 1 injury. 2 harm, wrong.

don't you know it actually can makes people cry badly??
so, don't hurt anyone...please!!!

my opinion, if u mad or angry with someone, u need to say clearly..whatz wrong and so on...
or else, misunderstand will take place...
silent killing,'s true~~

well, what the world i'm be talking about this issue??
it's just something i thought, some of these busy day...

i need to revise about something...
don't know la...something happen, and i'm surely don't know what...
but, things change...i just can predict the reason, but yeah....not power enough to make it sure...

a bit tired today..but hey!! its friday...
meaning that, tomorrow is holiday....
rest up my heart that hurt...yeah~~nobody care...

p/s: feeling like...i don't want today end like this bad...can postpone time a bit eehh??
letz stay up tonight and thinking what should things be....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


sape xtau...sabar is sabar...haha

ade org, xmampu nk tau x...
"the time kite rase da xbley sabar, tu lah sebenarnye permulaan sabar"...
so, sabar....haha

tinggal 5 minggu lagi...
last date praktikal aq...26 august 2011...
mmg da x lame lagi...fuh~~sabar..sabar...

today, buat kali ntah keberape ntah....
i keep making bad things, n my best frenz keep patient with my attitude...
well, my d-best frenz is always like that...
and sometimes u may feel bad to have a frenz like that...mcm rs xlayak..haha
ape2 pun, thatz a relationship suppose to be...

bile seorang buat hal, y sorang lagi bagi masa n ruang untuk perbaiki suasana...
because, "time will fix every things"...i'm sure believe that...agree??

anyway, my d-best frenz might be down now since result upu a bit disappointed...
ape2 pun i pray for the best becoming result...
GAMBATE OK!!!! yosh~~

so, lagi sekali...sabar is all about~~

p/s: tired and byk sgt keje...knape la hanya 4 org nak uruskan kerja kosong more than 100 vacancies...stress!!! anyone need job??

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


today, i just came back from office...suddenly i saw one video about bersih 2.0..
let go to this video: BERSIH 2.0

something playing around in my mind...
"Malaysia kah ini?? mentality kelas terendah..."
mane perginya hati perut as manusia??
mane pergi nya agama islam yang sepatutnya jadi pegangan...
persaudaraan sesama manusia....hak asasi manusia...
mane hilangnye bende2 tu...
well, hello....3 jam je perangai polis2 dlm video tu sgt2 mengecewakan aq...
hancur habis respect aq kat pihak polis...
serius, drama Gerak Khas pun xkan dpt ubah lagi kebencian rakyat pada polis...
klu ye pun marah...tolong la...itu manusia kot..bukan haiwan...
kite tentu2 xnak ikut yahudi...for sure~~

ape2 pun kemarahan rakyat semakin membuak2...
mungkin ade y terbuka mata...n pada y belum, jelaskan video2 yang telah diambil mase perhimpunan bersih...
australia, and beberape ngare lain pun, sokong bersih..aman je...
tu negara bukan islam, k..tapi kite kat Malaysia???ape da jadi??

ape2 pun, kemenangan islam itu pasti...terbaek!!!!

ok, semalam berlansung la "wacana tarbawi Naib Mursyid am Ikhwan Muslimin"
mengingatkan kembali tugas n tanggungjawab setiap ikhwah akhawat baik y dtg mahupun xdatang....

alhamdulillah, Allah masih memberi kudrat pada aq n akhawat lain utk hadir ke majlis tu...
yup, sesat la jugak...
bley tak bg cadangan...jgn wat shah alam...confius jalan...tanda jalan xcukup..hehe

ok, letz see some picture: credit to Abdullah Mujahid

nmpak aq x??haha...
brothers in the house!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Mentality manusia semakin pelik and aq rase akan terus memelik kan diri diorang...

erm, look what i found pagi2 nie??

perhimpunan HARAM bersih 2.0????

ooo....konsert ala2 dangdut mase smbutan raye hari tu xharam la...pastu malam kebudayaan, hiburan yang melata tu xharam la...
what a word...nie arahan dari uni aq...
lawak la diorng nie...

terus terang...mmg diorng agak2 nk kawal semua student la konon...
mase sem berjalan, kes2 y dirahsia kan tu, xpulak nk kawal...

ape2 pun, rakyat baik remaja ke dewase ke...
semua da jelas dgn propaganda org2 koler putih nie...
da la menipu, siap nk sorok lagi...
kes altantuya sorok, kes anwar difitnah menjadi...smpai da mcm citer kartun da aq dgr...

pada aq, hanya pengecut je y cepat melatah....
BERSIH 2.0 bukan la nk menetang diorang pun...tibe2 melatah xbrenti2....
siap buat iklan y x educated lagi...serius klaka iklan tu....
tp biase y makan cili..mesti rs pedas...padan muke!!

Tuntutan BERSIH terdiri daripada 8 perkara, iaitu:
1. Bersihkan Senarai Undi
2. Mereformasi Undi Pos
3. Guna Dakwat Kekal
4. Masa Kempen Minima 21 Hari
5. Akses Media Yang Bebas Dan Adil
6. Kukuhkan Institusi Awam\
7. Hentikan Rasuah
8. Hentikan Politik Kotor.

so, tetibe y nk terase tu knape??nmpak sgt kecut sebab takut...
bak kate org n9..."takot pocah lubang la tu"..

ape2 pun, jgn gentar wahai rakyat MALAYSIA...mereka merancang dan Allah pun merancang..dan siapakah y lebih baik perancangan nya...

p/s: dpt arahan untuk ke BERSIH...peguam pun da siap tempah...xtau dapat p ke x je nie...insya-Allah dipermudahkan urusan antum semua...TAKBIR!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


today, my colleague got his arm dislocated while playing that a lot a lot of work still pending at the so many interview need to be myself confius and think beyond the thinking...

someone said to me "makin hari, makin kurang percaya aq kat ko"
erm~~what that suppose to mean??
got myself speechless for a moment....
somehow, i know... to believe someone is not that easy...
and i don't blame anybody...just put the blame on me...wah~~like a song i guess...

actually, i ask one question and i got one answer...
it is so hard when the answer u get, is not the answer u want...
might hurt u...but need to remember,

sometimes, u get what u don't want but it is actually the best for u, and sometimes, u get what u want but it is actually worse for u...Allah knows what u dont know...

so, i will doing my best and let the fate decide...
clear myself about something today...

p/s: i miss the moment i was at bintulu..


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